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2014 - 2024 Celebrating A Decade of Service Excellence

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Thomas Irvin, MA.

Principal Archaeologist 

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Kathleen McGowan, Hon. BA

Project Archaeologist


Diego Jimenez, BSc

Archaeological Field Director

Professional Archaeological Consultancy

Irvin Heritage Inc. was founded in 2014 and provides expert and professional Archaeological Assessments throughout Ontario in support of commercial and residential developments, energy, infrastructure, planning and due diligence projects.


Irvin Heritage Inc. conducts all stages of archaeological assessment and offers overall guidance and project management relating to archaeological resources. The firm also specializes in highly complex and sensitive archaeological matters.


With a direct focus on competent and archaeologically sound practices, assessments are focused on meeting the prevailing requirements, as set forth by the Ontario Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists, while adhering to client timelines and budgets. This ensures that projects focus on obtaining the required archaeological clearances and not on extraneous matters.


We respect the privacy of our clients and their developments, and never engage in publicity of any project via news releases, publications, books, presentations, etc.


Unique to the firm is our use of 'On Call' Archaeological Field Technicians which supplement our core full-time staff. This allows us to dedicate the optimum number of Field Technicians to any given project and complete projects within given time constraints. The use of 'On Call' Field Technicians translates to direct cost savings for our clients which is reflected in our competitive rates.

Irvin Heritage employs various cost and time-saving features to the archaeological projects we undertake, these include:

  •  We employ strict project management procedures which ensures that the optimal number of Archaeological Field Technicians are assigned to any project


  • All Field Technicians are highly experienced in the field of archaeology both provincially and globally, this helps to ensure projects meet the objectives of the Ontario Heritage Act and the MTCS Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists


  • Unlike many firms, we employ the provisions of the 2014 MTCS Rural Domestic Farmstead Draft Bulletin; this document allows for less archaeological work on certain Euro-Canadian sites, which otherwise would require full mitigation via the 2011 MTCS Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists. This allows us to truly offer focused and fiscally sound archaeological assessments which avoid unnecessary and costly archaeological investigations


  • We actively address archaeological matters with the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport and employ sound archaeological analysis and reasoning to ensure that archaeological assessments undertaken are highly focused and avoid unwarranted investigations or analysis


  • Our staff are highly skilled in stakeholder engagement and can work towards mutually rewarding solutions for sensitive archaeological matters


  • When required, our network of archaeological specialists are able to provide required specialist analysis at a fair and reasonable rate; IHI does not mark-up any external vendors


  • We employ a 1 cm accurate RTK GNSS GPS system to ensure detailed site dimensions are obtained which ensures strict control over Stage 3 archaeological costs. This also allows for highly detailed archaeological mapping for complex sites and negates the need for outside surveys


  • We employ an all-digital field recording system for all images, technical drawings, and maps. This allows for less post-processing of field data which translates to a direct cost savings 


  • If so desired and requested by a proponent, we will actively work with local heritage societies, councils, educational groups and museums to form showcase partnerships, etc.


  • Irvin Heritage Inc. participates in all MTCS licensee events to keep our customers well versed as to any potential changes or updates relating to the provincial archaeology program or requirements thereof

Thomas Irvin, M.A. Principal Archaeologist


The company is directed by Principal Archaeologist Thomas Irvin M.A. (Professional Licence P379) who has over 15 years of archaeological experience in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Denmark.  Thomas has worked to secure archaeological clearances for many types of projects including, but not limited to, residential and commercial land development, solar and wind energy projects, and infrastructures such as gas, water, and power transmission. He has led underwater archaeological assessments within Lake Ontario and the Niagara River, as well as participated in underwater assessments in the Baltic Sea. 



In addition to extensive archaeological experience, Thomas also has experience as an Archaeological Review Officer within the Archaeology Program Unit of the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship & Multiculturalism. His knowledge of the Ministry's archaeological Standards and Guidelines further ensures that projects meet expectations and are completed efficiently.


Irvin Heritage is supported by a dedicated core team of archaeological professionals.



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